Music Creativity Through Technology

This page is a collection research studies working directly with non-traditional music students, or, from studies of various school populations, teachers or students, that add to our understanding of music participation in NTM music programs.  Please use the Contact Us page to send us additional research references, documents (PDF files preferred), and/or links. 

Beirne, C. T. J. (2005) A pilot study determining the feasibility of a music curriculum geared toward inexperienced (Non-Traditional) music students in the high school level.  Unpublished manuscript prepared for graduate seminar, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.

Bula, J. A. (2011).  Technology-based Music Courses and Non-traditional Music Students in Secondary Schools. (Doctoral Dissertation) Florida State University.  (Abstract)

Child Trends DataBank: Participation in School Music or Other Performing Arts.  Based on data from Bachman, J. G., L. D. Johnston, and P. M. O'Malley. (2006) Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (8th, 10th, and 12th-Grade Surveys), 1976-2006. University of Michigan, Survey Research Center. ICPSR ed., Ann Arbor, MI.

Constantine, M. E. C. (2011).  The High School Musical Experiences of College Students. (Doctoral Dissertation) Case Western Reserve University.  

Dammers, R (September 2010).  Technology-Based Music Classes in High Schools in the United States.  Slides from PowerPoint presentation at the 2010 ATMI/CMS Conference, Minneapolis MN.

Dammers, R. (2008). Music through technology: Music education for the future. Slides from a PowerPoint presentation at the 2008 College Music Society Conference.
Dammers, R.J. (2012).  Technology-Based Music Classes in High Schools in the United States, Bulletin for the Council of Research in Music Education, 194, 73-90.

Elpus, K. & Abril, C. (2011).  High school music students in the United States: A demographic profile.  Journal of Research in Music Education, 59(2), 128-145.

Felder, Brandon (2015). Non-traditional Music Class Offerings: Integration of Music Technology . (Masters Thesis) University of Maryland.

Kempfer, B. (2020). Including the" Other 80%": Developing a culturally diverse secondary music curriculum.  (PhD dissertation) Auburn University.  (Abstract)

Nielsen, Teresa R.(2016). Teen Playlist: Music Discovery, Production, and Sharing among a Group of High School Students.  (Doctoral Dissertation) Boston University. (Abstract)

Remy, Michael (2022).  Roads Less Traveled: Mapping out non-traditional music education in the United State. (Capstone Project) University of Florida. (Document)

Ritchie, C.  (2013). Characteristics Of Non-Traditional Music Students Participating In A Technology-Based Music Course: A Mixed-Methods Case Study.  (Masters Thesis) University of Cincinnati. (Abstract)

Ruthmann, S. A., (2008).   Whose agency matters? Negotiating pedagogical and creative intent during composing experiences, Research Studies in Music Education, 30(1), 43-58.

Stewart, C. (1991). Who takes music? Investigating access to high school music as a function of social and school factors. (Doctoral Disseration) Available from  ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis Datatbase.  (UMI 9208660)

Williams, D.B. (1987). Do our models for music research and teaching reflect our human social nature? Council for Research in Music Education Bulletin, Winter 1987, 65-73.

Williams, D.B. (2011).  Non-­‐Traditional Music (NTM) Survey Results from Teachers of Technology-­‐based Music Classes, unpublished paper. 

Williams, D.B. (2012).  The non-traditional music student in secondary schools of the United States: Engaging non-participant students in creative music activities through technology. Journal of Music technology and Education 4(2): 131-147. DOI:  10.1386/jmte.4.2-3.131_1  (Abstract)

Williams, D.B. (2015).  The Technology-Music Dance: Reflections on Making Sense of Our Tools. In C. Randles (Ed.), Music Education: Navigating the Future (pp. 139-154). New York, NY: Rutledge.

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